A Megaptera Mission: Recipe for scanning a humpback whale skull
Ingredients: A one-tonne humpback whale skull, preferably sitting upright on its occipital region for convenience A Creaform Go!SCAN 50...
It's alive! The official launch of Phenome10K.org
I was delighted to launch Phenome10K.org earlier this week! After more than a year of planning, testing, debugging, and repeating as...
Congratulations to Dr. Thomas Halliday!
Dr. Thomas Halliday successfully defended his PhD thesis against the formidable examiners Rob Asher (University of Cambridge) and Paul...
Imminent, drastic changes to USS pension schemes, including end of final salary scheme for currrent
Our pensions are being changed in a way that affects all of us in USS, including those of us currently in the Final Salary Scheme. That...